The Kinked Wire

Episode 8: IR perspectives on COVID-19: Seattle | Guest: Torre Andrews

Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR | Society of Interventional Radiology Season 1 Episode 8

There was a report that several people had been sick, and several were transported to hospitals. The next thing we heard was that all of the ambulance crews and firemen who had been involved in the transfer were in quarantine … and it really seemed kind of crazy.
R. Torrance Andrews, MD, FSIR

Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR, speaks with R. Torrance Andrews, MD, FSIR, a Seattle-based interventional radiologist, about the onset of COVID-19 in that area and the role that interventional radiology continues to play during this global health crisis.

Find IR resources for COVID-19 planning, staffing, personal protective equipment and more at the Society of Interventional Radiology website,

Listen to more interventional radiologist perspectives on COVID-19:

Note: This episode was recorded on March 30, 2020.

SIR thanks Varian for its support of this episode.

Contact us with your ideas and questions, or read more about about interventional radiology in IR Quarterly magazine or SIR's Patient Center.

(c) Society of Interventional Radiology.

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