The Kinked Wire

Special update: IR perspectives on COVID-19: Palo Alto, California | Guest: Raj Shah

Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR | Society of Interventional Radiology Season 1

One thing I was recognizing very quickly was that, at that time, there was very little guidance from the CDC. A lot of the information was coming from publications from the Chinese experience and the changes that needed to be put in place were really things that hadn’t been done before.
Rajesh Shah, MD, FSIR

Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR, speaks with Rajesh Shah, MD, FSIR, an interventional radiologist in the California Bay Area, about his region's experience with the pandemic and the role he played in the development of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) COVID-19 Toolkit. 

Find IR resources for COVID-19 planning, staffing, personal protective equipment and more at the SIR website,

Listen to more interventional radiologist perspectives on COVID-19:

Note: This episode was recorded on April 22, 2020. Dr. Shah's opinions do not represent those of the federal government. 

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(c) Society of Interventional Radiology.

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